EOB Consulting

WordPress Maintenance Plans

We offer customizable plans for every type of WordPress website

For the fastest, most secure performance of your WordPress website – you need to make sure your site is running the latest, bug-fixed code. Open source software like – WordPress and its plugins – are being developed by thousands of developers at once. Every day vulnerabilities get patched, new features get added, and conflicts get resolved. EOB Consulting offers a range of ongoing maintenance plans to provide your business with updates and support.

We’re the webmaster you’ve always wanted

What are my update options when I have a WordPress Website?

Do Nothing

After launching your new WordPress website, you can choose to forget about it. This is a bad idea – WordPress is a living platform that is constantly being updated and improved. If you don’t put some effort into keeping your platform and plugins updated, your site will eventually be hacked.

Do it all yourself

EOB Consulting offers training and custom documentation. Do you have the time to dedicate to keeping your site secure? Are you a marketing or IT manager that wants to learn the ropes? We will gladly teach you how to keep your WordPress sites backed up and updated – you just need to dedicate the time.

We do it for you

We offer a suite of ongoing backup and maintenance services to keep your website safe and working properly. Our packages are bare-bones for those with simple sites, or fully-featured for businesses that need an on-call webmaster for consistent updates and upgrades. No stress, no worries.

Our WordPress Maintenance Plans

Weekly Updates

Running consistent updates is crucial. We update the WordPress core, themes and plugin code on a weekly basis.

Uptime Monitoring

We get notified if your website goes down so our team can act upon it. Customize your response level.

Threat Assessments

If the threat level is increased due to bug or malware releases, we perform emergency updates as plugins and themes adapt.


Content Updates

Need your photo sliders changed, blog updated, e-newsletter sent out, or website content refreshed? We can do that too.


Running an e-commerce site requires constant maintenance to stay secure and functional – let our WooCommerce experts join your web store team!


Weekly Backups

Automatic WordPress backups are created weekly (or more often if required!) Easily revert to a previous version of your site if anything goes awry.

WordPress Training

Learning to make your website the best it can be? We are on YOUR team! Questions and documentation are included in your maintenance plan.


Optimized Hosting

Your host should only host WordPress sites. Get blazing fast WP-optimized hosting with a content delivery network (CDN) for your website included in your plan!

Activity Reports

You’ll receive a monthly report reviewing all the recent updates, backups and site changes. See the value of your plan spelled out in the report which keeps track of all WordPress site events, server uptime, and more!


Automatic Billing

Your plan will be easily billed via your bank account or credit card on a monthly basis. Simply set it and forget it, while being confident in your ongoing expert support.

Staging Website

When you have a large complex site that can’t go down for maintenance, we set up staging sites to perform updates and testing before moving the upgrades to your live environment.

Custom Plans

Do you have a custom WordPress solution? Integrations with CRMs, e-commerce, or other systems? We can customize our plans and monitoring to ensure your entire web architecture is managed and secure.

Expert Dev Time - Included in every plan

When your website is enrolled in a WordPress Maintenance Plan, you get allocated Expert Dev Time every month. Use this time to schedule monthly content updates, seasonal site changes, blog updates, or other needed customizations with our expert developers. We can also SEO optimize your content and review your analytics!

Expert Dev Time rolls-over and accumulates for up to six months, so you can easily plan out your larger site upgrades. Put your dev time towards documentation, one-on-one training sessions, or just fire us quick questions via email.

EOB Consulting works with how your team works.

Bronze Package

$ 200 Monthly
  • Simple Websites
  • 1-2 Plugins
  • Weekly Backups & Updates
  • Monthly Activity Report
  • 15min Expert Dev Time

Silver Package

$ 250 Monthly
  • More Complex Websites
  • 3-8 Plugins
  • Weekly Backups & Updates
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Monthly Activity Report
  • Threat Assessments
  • 20min Expert Dev Time

Gold Package

Business Select
$ 350 Monthly
  • Very Complex Websites
  • 8+ Plugins
  • Weekly Backups & Updates
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Monthly Activity Report
  • Threat Assessments
  • 30min Expert Dev Time
  • Optimized Hosting
  • 30min Monthly Web Call
  • Customizable Plan

WooCommerce Package

e-Commerce Webmaster
$ 300 Monthly
  • WooCommerce Websites
  • 4+ Plugins
  • Weekly Backups & Updates
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Monthly Activity Report
  • Threat Assessments
  • Staging Site for Updates
  • Payment & Shipping Testing
  • Security Monitoring
  • e-Commerce Testing
  • 20min Expert Dev Time
  • Customizable Plan

Bronze Package

$ 200 Monthly
  • Simple Websites
  • 1-2 Plugins
  • Weekly Backups & Updates
  • Monthly Activity Report
  • 15min Expert Dev Time

Silver Package

$ 250 Monthly
  • More Complex Websites
  • 3-8 Plugins
  • Weekly Backups & Updates
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Monthly Activity Report
  • Threat Assessments
  • 20min Expert Dev Time

Gold Package

Business Select
$ 350 Monthly
  • Very Complex Websites
  • 8+ Plugins
  • Weekly Backups & Updates
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Monthly Activity Report
  • Threat Assessments
  • 30min Expert Dev Time
  • Optimized Hosting
  • 30min Monthly Web Call
  • Customizable Plan

WooCommerce Package

e-Commerce Webmaster
$ 300 Monthly
  • WooCommerce Websites
  • 4+ Plugins
  • Weekly Backups & Updates
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Monthly Activity Report
  • Threat Assessments
  • Staging Site for Updates
  • Payment & Shipping Testing
  • Security Monitoring
  • e-Commerce Testing
  • 20min Expert Dev Time
  • Customizable Plan

Need help deciding what maintenance plan is for you?

Schedule a time to chat with our experts